Wednesday 18 March 2020

T.B Joshua Reveal When Coronavirus Will End

Prophet T.B Joshua has given a new revelation about the Coronavirus pandemic saying it would end by the end of March.
However, he warned that the effect would be felt throughout the rest of the year.
“The noise of coronavirus would be silenced before the end of March 2020”, Joshua said on Tuesday.
He also warned against panicking because God’s promise to believers is there to protect them.

“Real faith thrives on a test. If there was nothing serious in the past to test our faith, here is something to test our faith in a unique way – a real situation”

“I say again, it is the remnants we are seeing. The real coronavirus is gone. But what the coronavirus has caused – economic backlash, fear – will linger until the end of the year,” he predicted.
TB Joshua also on the fear which has been generated by the pandemic across the world.

“Fear exposes the level of our relationship with God. Fear means we are not serving God with all our hearts. The opening of the eyes of our faith will be the silencing of our fears”, he added.

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