Friday, 3 July 2020

Is Ramoni aka Hushpuppi a product of failed economy? Excuse? My Experience.......

Hello Readers/Viewers,

How are you? Hope all is well?
By now I am sure everybody has heard about Abass Ramoni Igbalode aka Hushpuppi is no longer news. Well just to remind some, Nigerian instagram celebrity Ramoni Abass Igbalode Aka Hushpuppi, a thirty-seven years old was sometimes ago arrested for fraud.

According to the recent video released by the UAE police, this fraud was carried out on a scale of sophistication, he allegedly scammed 2 million people.
Wow I am like is this possible?

Anyway to cut the story short I’ve shared my opinion based on the information I have so far at the time I produced this video, the video was a live chat.
I am very sure more information will be released as time goes on.
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Yours Truly Blogger

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