Friday, 30 October 2020

I Cannot Believe This Happened At The London Nigeria EndSars Protest......


Hello Mi Dear Readers/Viewers,

I am sure you are all aware of the Nigerian massacre and the bad economy, to save me the trouble of reiterating; it’s all on my blog.

Ummmm I saw that horrible incident coming maybe not at that gravity though; and I talked about it, the video is still on my channel.  It seems we are gravitating towards a time where protest in Nigeria would indirectly become illegal, something people will be scared of and the only option will be to fight, fight comes in different forms.

 Even though majority would not want or agree to war but sadly this inevitable war is a very popular option unless there is an immediate change.   The Nigerian government need to think deeply and take effective action about the plight of our youth, they are wide awake (Thinking out loud)

On the 25th of October 2020, Nigerians and Non-Africans took to the street of London to protest against killings, torture, extortion and oppression, carried out by Special Anti-Robbery Squad and the Military men.

Also the protest was a call on the Nigerian government for justice to those peaceful protesters who were shot at the Lagos toll gate and to develop the country and provide essential basic needs to its citizen.

Click the video above to watch and see how the demonstration went, if you enjoy watching the video above do not hesitate to subscribe.

Have a nice weekend my people, God bless you……


Yours Truly





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